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BukkitGames / Creating kits

Creating kits: Intro

Just to get this straight: I don't recommend to change stuff in the kit.yml manually. You can run into errors pretty fast. For creating new kits I suggest you follow the tutorial below. For tweaking kits you can still edit the kit.yml file, just be careful.

Creating kits using the BukkitGames Helper

The BukkitGames Helper is a plugin that will make it pretty easy to add new kits to your server. Follow the steps below for creating new kits.

Before doing anything

1 - Run the BukkitGames plugin at least once if you haven't done this already. (It needs to create the configuration files!)

2 - Now temporarily disable the BukkitGames plugin (by f.e. moving it somewhere else) before using the helper plugin. (After you are done creating kits, you can remove the helper plugin and enable the BukkitGames plugin again.)

You can now download the BukkitGames Helper here or here (source code is available here). Put it on your server and restart your server.

Let's create a new kit

Before we start

3 - Empty your inventory (f.e. using /clear)

Setting up items

4 - You can now add all the items to your inventory the kit should contain.

5 - After you are done, select an item you want to use as the icon for your kit. Put this item in the far upper right corner of your opened inventory (see red marker on the following image).


Creating the kit

Ok, so you are happy with the contents your kit? Then let's add it to the BukkitGames!

6 - Switch to survival mode (/gamemode 0, if you aren't already)

7 - Execute the command /bghelper kit <kitname> <cost> <abilityIDs> (you can find examples for this command below).

8 - Done! The BukkitGames Helper added your kit to the kit.yml file.

9 - Want to create another kit? Start again from step 3.

Some examples for commands

/bghelper kit Archer 5 7,8,9

This would create a new kit called Archer with the items of your inventory, a cost of 5 credits and the abilities 7, 8 and 9.

/bghelper kit King -1 0

This would create a new kit called King with the items of your inventory, a cost of -1 credits (which means you can only access this kit using permissions) and no abilities.

/bghelper kit Barbarian 0 8

This would create a new kit called Barbarian with the items of your inventory, a cost of 0 credits (which means this kit is free to use) and the ability 8.
