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BukkitGames / Database table structure

BukkitGames database table structure

This list might not be completely up-to-date.



ID int(10)              
REF_PLAYER int(10)          The player ID who bought the kit.
KIT varchar(255)            The name of the kit the player bought.
BUYTIME datetime            When it was bought.



ID int(10)                  Game ID
STARTTIME datetime          When the game started
ENDTIME datetime            When the game ended



ID int(10)                  Player ID
UUID char(32)               The UUID of the player.
NAME varchar(255)           The name of the player
BALANCE int(10)             The amount of money he has.
IP char(45)                 The IP of the player.



ID int(10)                  
REF_PLAYER int(10)              The player that played.
REF_GAME int(10)                The game the player played in.
KIT varchar(255)                The kit he used in that game.
DEATHTIME datetime              When he died.
REF_KILLER int(10)              The player ID of the killer or null.
KILLER varchar(255)             The killer (f.e. SKELETON, ZOMBIE...)
DEATH_REASON varchar(255)       The Minecraft death reason
