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BukkitGames / Using custom maps

Custom maps & spawn-points

So you don't want these random generated worlds anymore? You want to use your custom ones? No problem!

Adding your worlds

Ok, so what you need to do is create a folder called worlds in the folder /plugins/BukkitGames/. In there you can then put all your world files. Make sure they all have a different name.

A note

In the config you can find the option RANDOM_WORLD_PICKING. Basically this makes it even more fun to play. When the server starts it decides if it uses a custom world or a random generated one. So you get some kind of variation...

Also important: To avoid having people complain about feast and cornucopia messing up their custom worlds I disabled them by default for any custom world. So if you want to make BukkitGames generate those on your custom map you have to create a custom world config as described below.


You added your worlds/maps but you also want to customize the world border radius and stuff like that for each map differently? Well, we got you covered!

Create a new file called bg-settings.yml in your world folder. In my case (my world name is DeathMatchWorld) this would be /plugins/BukkitGames/worlds/DeathMatchWorld/. In this configuration file you can override every setting from the default config.yml. Note that you don't have to have all configuration options in your custom world config, just use the ones you want to override for this specific world.

# --- Example per-world configuration file ---
# Radius of the world border around spawn.

# Set the radius for the circle around spawn the players will be spawned on.

# If set to true, feast and cornucopia will be protected.

# Let's enable feast as well

Changing the world's spawn

So you might come across the issue that your custom world's spawn position is not where you want it to be. However you can change that with just a few clicks!

  1. Load up your custom world in singleplayer and write the coordinates down for where you want to have your spawn located.

  2. Close Minecraft

  3. Download NBTExplorer and run it. Now navigate to saves > your_world_name > level.dat > Data (see picture) and there you will find SpawnX, SpawnY and SpawnZ. You can now edit those values and change them to the coordinates you have written down.

  4. Now save it, close NBTExplorer and move your world to your server (as described above).


Setting multiple spawn points for a map

With the per-world-settings you can set multiple spawn points on a map or set the maximum amount of players per map. Those options can only be used in the per-world-settings file and not in the config.yml.

Here is an example of the additional options for the per-world-settings:

# --- Example per-world configuration file ---
# A list of spawn points
# Important: Must start with "SPAWN_0"! Please use the following format: "X = xCord; Y = yCord; Z = zCord"
# English number format.
SPAWN_0: "X = -5.51; Y = 4; Z = 301.7"
SPAWN_1: "X = +4; Y = 4; Z = +302.2"
SPAWN_2: "X = 2; Y = 5; Z = +305.5"
SPAWN_3: "X = 3; Y = 4; Z = +304"
SPAWN_4: "X = 5.3; Y = 4; Z = +207"

# The maximum amount of tributes allowed for this map
# We used 5 here, because we set 5 spawn points for the map...
