
ftrack Event listener - Restrict task status updates

Updated by Lucas Correia

File README.rst Modified

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     The name of the group in ftrack which contains the users that are allowed
     to set the restricted statuses.
+.. warning::
+    The API user running the event listner must be a member of the group,
+    otherwise it might end up in an infinite loop when changing between
+    two restricted statuses.
 Running the event listener
Updated by Lucas Correia

File README.rst Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 .. tip::
     You can use something like `Supervisor <>`_ or
-    `Monit <>` to monitor and ensure the event
+    `Monit <>`_ to monitor and ensure the event
     listener is always running.
 Read more
Created by Lucas Correia

File README.rst Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+Event listener: Restrict task status updates
+This event listener can be used to limit which users are allowed to set certain
+statuses. When a status is changed in the ftrack interface, the event listener
+will check if the status is restricted, and if the user is member of the group
+with users that are allowed to set to those statuses. If not, the status will
+be reverted to the old value, and a message will inform the user that the
+operation was not permitted.
+To use the event listener, first set the two variables at the top:
+    A list of task status names that are restricted, only the members of a
+    group will be allowed to change these.
+    The name of the group in ftrack which contains the users that are allowed
+    to set the restricted statuses.
+Running the event listener
+You can run the event listener from the command line::
+    python
+You can also register the event listener as a plugin. For more information,
+see the links below.
+.. tip::
+    You can use something like `Supervisor <>`_ or
+    `Monit <>` to monitor and ensure the event
+    listener is always running.
+Read more
+Find more information in our documentaion:
+* `Developing: Events <>`_
+* `Event: Action - trigger interface <>`_
+* `Event: Update <>`_
+* `Managing statuses <>`_
+* `Organizing users into groups <>`_
+* `Python API: Configuring plugins <>`_
+* `Python API: Environment variables <>`_

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# :coding: utf-8
+# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 ftrack
+# This snippet was last tested with ftrack 3.3.31 and Python API 0.15.5.
+import logging
+import ftrack_api
+import functools
+logger = logging.getLogger('restrict_task_status_listener')
+    'Approved'
+def restrict_status_updates(session, group_id, restricted_status_ids, event):
+    '''Handle *event*.'''
+    status_reverted = False
+    user_id = None
+    for entity in event['data'].get('entities', []):
+        if (
+            entity.get('entityType') == 'task' and
+            entity.get('action') in ('update',) and
+            'statusid' in entity.get('keys', [])
+        ):
+            entity_id = entity['entityId']
+            user_id = event['source'].get('user', {}).get('id', None)
+            if not user_id:
+                logger.warning('No source user, allowing update...')
+                continue
+            old_status_id = entity['changes']['statusid']['old']
+            new_status_id = entity['changes']['statusid']['new']
+            if not new_status_id in restricted_status_ids:
+      'Status is not restricted, allowing update...')
+                continue
+            # Make sure user is a member in the allowed group.
+            membership = session.query(
+                'Membership where user_id is "{}" and group_id is "{}"'.format(
+                    user_id, group_id
+                )
+            ).first()
+            if not membership:
+      'Status change is _not_ allowed, reverting')
+                status_reverted = True
+                task = session.get('Task', entity_id)
+                task['status_id'] = old_status_id
+            else:
+      'Status change is allowed')
+    if status_reverted:
+        # Persist changes
+        try:
+            session.commit()
+        except Exception:
+            session.rollback()
+            raise
+        # Trigger a message to the user (new in ftrack 3.3.31)
+        session.event_hub.publish(
+            ftrack_api.event.base.Event(
+                topic='ftrack.action.trigger-user-interface',
+                data=dict(
+                    type='message',
+                    success=False,
+                    message='You are not allowed to set this status'
+                ),
+                target='applicationId=ftrack.client.web and"{0}"'.format(user_id)
+            ),
+            on_error='ignore'
+        )
+def register(session, **kw):
+    '''Register event listener.'''
+    # Validate that session is an instance of ftrack_api.Session. If not,
+    # assume that register is being called from an incompatible API
+    # and return without doing anything.
+    if not isinstance(session, ftrack_api.Session):
+        # Exit to avoid registering this plugin again.
+        return
+    # Get the ID of the allowed group 
+    allowed_group = session.query(
+        'Group where name is {0}'.format(ALLOWED_GROUP_NAME)
+    ).one()
+    allowed_group_id = allowed_group['id']
+    # Get the ids of the restricted statuses.
+    restricted_statuses = session.query(
+        'Status where name in ("{0}")'.format(
+            '", "'.join(RESTRICTED_STATUSES)
+        )
+    )
+    restricted_status_ids = [status['id'] for status in restricted_statuses]
+    # Register the event handler
+    handle_event = functools.partial(
+         restrict_status_updates, session, allowed_group_id,
+         restricted_status_ids
+    )
+    session.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.update', handle_event)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+    session = ftrack_api.Session()
+    register(session)
+    # Wait for events.
+    session.event_hub.wait()

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