
Marco delete all jira comments from issue

Created by Marco

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  • Ignore whitespace
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+This script removes all comments from a specified jira issue
+Please provide Jira-Issue-Key/Id, Jira-URL, Username, PAssword in the variables below.
+import sys
+import json
+import requests
+import urllib3
+# Jira Issue Key or Id where comments are deleted from
+# URL to Jira
+URL_JIRA = ''
+# Username with enough rights to delete comments
+JIRA_USERNAME = 'admin'
+# Password to Jira User
+JIRA_PASSWORD = 'S9ev6ZpQ4sy2VFH2_bjKKQAYRUlDfW7ujNnrIq9Lbn5w'
+''' ----- ----- Do not change anything below ----- ----- '''
+# Ignore SSL problem (certificate) - self signed
+# get issue comments:
+URL_GET_COMMENT = '{0}/rest/api/latest/issue/{1}/comment'.format(URL_JIRA, JIRA_ISSUE_KEY)
+# delete issue comment:
+URL_DELETE_COMMENT = '{0}/rest/api/2/issue/{1}/comment/{2}'
+def user_yesno():
+    ''' Asks user for input yes or no, responds with boolean '''
+    allowed_response_yes = {'yes', 'y'}
+    allowed_response_no = {'no', 'n'}
+    user_response = input().lower()
+    if user_response in allowed_response_yes:
+        return True
+    elif user_response in allowed_response_no:
+        return False
+    else:
+        sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'")
+        return False
+# get jira comments
+RESPONSE = requests.get(URL_GET_COMMENT, verify=False, auth=(JIRA_USERNAME, JIRA_PASSWORD))
+# check if http response is OK (200)
+if RESPONSE.status_code != 200:
+    print('Exit-101: Could not connect to api [HTTP-Error: {0}]'.format(RESPONSE.status_code))
+    sys.exit(101)
+# parse response to json
+JSON_RESPONSE = json.loads(RESPONSE.text)
+# get user confirmation to delete all comments for issue
+print('You want to delete {0} comments for issue {1}? (yes/no)' \
+    .format(len(JSON_RESPONSE['comments']), JIRA_ISSUE_KEY))
+if user_yesno():
+    for jira_comment in JSON_RESPONSE['comments']:
+        print('Deleting Jira comment {0}'.format(jira_comment['id']))
+        # send delete request
+        RESPONSE = requests.delete(
+            URL_DELETE_COMMENT.format(URL_JIRA, JIRA_ISSUE_KEY, jira_comment['id']),
+            verify=False, auth=(JIRA_USERNAME, JIRA_PASSWORD))
+        # check if http response is No Content (204)
+        if RESPONSE.status_code != 204:
+            print('Exit-102: Could not connect to api [HTTP-Error: {0}; {1}]' \
+            .format(RESPONSE.status_code, RESPONSE.text))
+            sys.exit(102)
+    print('User abort script...')

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