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BibSonomy GoogleDocs Add-on

The BibSonomy GoogleDocs Add-on helps inserting citation sources to a document or paper in a convenient way. The Add-on uses the data available on BibSonomy to access your bookmarks. It also features searching with automatic completion to make it easier to find the required citation source.


A first version of this add-on was developed by a team of three students from the Leibniz University Hanover as part of a laboratory exercise named "Web-Technologien" in german. Then it was picked up by another team of two students as part of the same laboratory a year later. We have rewritten most of the old code completely to get a more organized and structured code. We also used software engineering techniques like information hiding and object oriented programming style to achieve a better product that can be extended easily. This Documentation is up to date at the end of the time given in the new laboratory iteration.

The old documentation can be found in the Downloads.

Repository Overview

This repository is for collaborative development and testing of scripts for the BibSonomy Google Docs Add-on.

  • It contains:
    • HTML, Script and style files for the add-on
    • HTML files for testing
    • Documentation (this wiki)
    • Issues (Bugs, Tasks, Proposals, etc.)

Setting up the development environment

  1. Install Eclipse IDE
  2. Install Plugins


The implementation consists of four packages listed below:

  1. Sidebar
  2. Indexing
  3. Searching
  4. Google Apps Script

Installing the Project in Google Docs

  1. Make a copy of this premade Google Doc as a template - File -> Make a copy on the menu bar.
  2. On your own copy, you can make all the changes you like and access the code in Tools -> Script Editor on the menu bar.
  3. For future work on the BibSonomy Google Docs Add-on and this repository, unfortunately you have to save your changes in code manually. Currently there is no proper way to commit or fetch from this repository to the Google Apps Script Editor itself.

Using the Google Docs Add-on

  1. Starting the addon
    • Click on Add-ons -> BibSonomy -> Cite from BibSonomy on the menu bar.
  2. Login
    1. Click on Settings on the sidebar on the right
    2. Insert your BibSonomy username and your API-Key - which is found on BibSonomy in 'username' -> settings -> settings -> API
    3. Click on Connect to BibSonomy to access your publications.
  3. Insert a citation
    1. Set your text cursor on the desired citation location in the document.
    2. Click on Cite on the sidebar to insert the citation source.

The Add-on will automatically create a source directory if not already available at the end of the document in which the citations are listed in order. If inserting a citation from a new source, it will also automatically rearrange the order of appearance in the document and in the source directory.

Future works

Here you can find possible enhancements for work on the BibSonomy Add-on.

  • Add searching and autocomplete for multiple words (jQuery UI)
  • When BibSonomy adds OAuth2, make it possible to connect with OAuth2 (sample)
  • Deploy the Add-on as a proper Add-on in the store (application)
    • For now it can only used publically as a library as depicted here.
  • Rearrange the elements in the Sidebar. The cite button currently is taking away a lot of space. A possibility is making the citation clickable.
  • Change the amount of citations visible in the Sidebar. Limit by a given number.

How can I contribute to the project?

If you want to contribute to the project you can ask one of the authors of this repository to get access. You can ask the laboratory participants B. Sc. Florian König or Linh Phan who created the repository and maintained the project or Robert Jäschke who hosted the laboratory.

Learning to use Google Apps Script

Here is a list with useful links that can help you learn how to use Google Apps Script and the Google Services. This can also be considered as the sources we took concepts from.
