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danksinatra / Home


Dank Sinatra is a Facebook chatbot. He is written in JavaScript (using Node.js). Type '\help' to see a list of his available commands. He also pushes relevant messages to a database, sends me email updates, and posts weather updates every 12 hours, but new features are constantly being added. I hope to one day make him a full-on source of information, such as Siri (only not as good).

View him in action!



Send a list of available commands.


Send a random greeting. Uses the greeting npm module.


Answer a yes/no question. Uses the Magic 8 ball npm module.

\weather <ZIP>

Send the weather at the ZIP code. If an invalid ZIP argument is given, an error message will be sent.

\roll <integer>

Sends a random number between 0 and <integer>.


Send the date.


Send a Shakespearean insult. Uses the Shakespeare-insult npm module.


Send an ASCII face. Uses the cool-ascii-faces npm module.


Sends a fact about the current senate. Currently only sends one fact, the senator with the least amount of votes cast.


Send the 'User is typing' dots. They will remain there for 30 seconds or until another command is sent.


Begin a conversation with Dank. Uses the dialog feature of the Watson API.

See here for more information.

Suggestions and Bugs

If you have a suggestion on how to make Dank better, or you have found a bug, submit an issue.
