Exporting srt files problem (re: #219)

Issue #221 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Damiano, thanks for your feedback regarding reported issue #219. However, the Export feature does not seem to work for me. When I select New under File, then Import File, and then select Add All (Video Track, Sound Track, Subtitle Track), the Export option under File is greyed out (not selectable) when I have selected the subtitle track.

When I instead click the Add button in the Queue window and import the file that way, and then control click to select Edit, then the Export option under File is available -- but when I select it, the application crashes with the following report:

0 CoreFoundation 0x9b590c63 __raiseError + 195 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x95338a2a objc_exception_throw + 276 2 CoreFoundation 0x9b590aea +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 138 3 Foundation 0x90e1192f -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 118 4 AppKit 0x964c7008 -[NSSavePanel setNameFieldStringValue:] + 150 5 Subler 0x00012172 Subler + 70002 6 libobjc.A.dylib 0x95336853 -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 70 7 AppKit 0x96005c1e __36-[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]block_invoke + 51 8 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x95668c03 _os_activity_initiate + 89 9 AppKit 0x96005b37 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 602 10 AppKit 0x960057dd -[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] + 479 11 AppKit 0x960054ce -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 162 12 AppKit 0x96004b4a -[NSMenu _performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:sendAccessibilityNotification:] + 79 13 AppKit 0x960d763b __38-[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:]_block_invoke + 52 14 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x95668c03 _os_activity_initiate + 89 15 AppKit 0x960d75ff -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:] + 141 16 AppKit 0x960d755e -[NSMenu _internalPerformActionForItemAtIndex:] + 45 17 AppKit 0x960d7529 -[NSMenuItem _internalPerformActionThroughMenuIfPossible] + 106 18 AppKit 0x960d7382 -[NSCarbonMenuImpl _carbonCommandProcessEvent:handlerCallRef:] + 120 19 AppKit 0x95fec4e7 NSSLMMenuEventHandler + 679 20 HIToolbox 0x987925a4 _Z22_InvokeEventHandlerUPPP25OpaqueEventHandlerCallRefP14OpaqueEventRefPvPFlS0_S2_S3_E + 36 21 HIToolbox 0x985d0681 _ZL23DispatchEventToHandlersP14EventTargetRecP14OpaqueEventRefP14HandlerCallRec + 2291 22 HIToolbox 0x985cf65c _ZL30SendEventToEventTargetInternalP14OpaqueEventRefP20OpaqueEventTargetRefP14HandlerCallRec + 402 23 HIToolbox 0x985e3f25 SendEventToEventTarget + 88 24 HIToolbox 0x98792422 _ZL18SendHICommandEventmPK9HICommandmmhPKvP20OpaqueEventTargetRefS5_PP14OpaqueEventRef + 447 25 HIToolbox 0x9865627c SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 72 26 HIToolbox 0x98656220 SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 207 27 HIToolbox 0x986560db _ZL19FinishMenuSelectionP13SelectionDataP10MenuResultS2 + 145 28 HIToolbox 0x987e4517 _ZL14MenuSelectCoreP8MenuData5PointdmPP13OpaqueMenuRefPt + 775 29 HIToolbox 0x9865687b _HandleMenuSelection2 + 512 30 HIToolbox 0x98656665 _HandleMenuSelection + 55 31 AppKit 0x95efdc26 _NSHandleCarbonMenuEvent + 359 32 AppKit 0x95e2cf09 _DPSNextEvent + 1710 33 AppKit 0x95e2c1e5 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 350 34 AppKit 0x95e20b9c -[NSApplication run] + 907 35 AppKit 0x95d95fa0 NSApplicationMain + 2082 36 Subler 0x0000296d Subler + 6509

Hang on, I just tried a third way, and that worked! When I simply select Open under File, and then select the subtitle track and select Export -- it works fine!

Problem solved I guess :-), but you may perhaps still want to look into the other two faulty methods above (one of which crashes the application)?

Also, I read your comment on the other issue, regarding unnumbered srt files. I didn't know that they had to be numbered, so I understand if you don't see this as a problem. However, there are a lot of subtitle text files out there that for some reason do not include line numbers, just the time and the text. When I import these files into Subs Factory, it automatically numbers them (incrementally from the first and so one) -- but there is a bug in that application that then also truncates all time stamps to even seconds (i.e. puts ",000" after each second, instead of the original which may be something like ",372", required to be perfectly synchronized to the sound track)...

If you could allow Subler to be a bit more flexible in this way (i.e. allowing srt files without line numbers to be imported by automatically adding the required line numbers during the importing process), that would be absolutely awesome and remove lots of of extra work for me every time I encounter an incorrect srt file without line numbers! :-)

Thanks for your comments and consideration!

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Export works only if the track is already in a mp4 file. Just open your mp4 file and export the track. Thanks for the bug report on the queue thing, it should be disabled there too.

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