[iTunes Store metadata] Recent TV show releases not found

Issue #307 resolved
János Kis created an issue

If you try to get metadata for a recent TV episode, Subler usually can't find metadata for it using the iTunes Store.

Subler version


macOS version

10.12.3 (16D32)

Repro steps (on the 17th Feb)

  • Try matching The !00 4x03 in the US store
  • Subler won't find the episode

I noticed this with other shows as well, like: Bones, Walking Dead, Criminal Minds etc.

I had a look at the iTunes Search API and the episode is in fact there: https://itunes.apple.com/lookup/?id=1186006255&entity=tvEpisode

Comments (23)

  1. Tim Margieson

    i had a look at the results returned from the search api and it doesn't look like its up to date with the rest of the store. Janos, the lookup you included above is not the search api, from time to time apple delay updating the search api for some reason, the same thing happened last year around the same time. Until someone brings it to apples attention it will most likely stay broken. also since they have started the enterprise affiliate program the standard stuff probably isnt that important to them anymore.

    below is an example of the search api https://itunes.apple.com/search?limit=200&term=the+100&entity=tvEpisode&attribute=tvSeasonTerm&version=2

  2. Brad Linder

    Yep, this has been an issue for 3 weeks now. I thought it was because the episodes were being slow at getting up at iTunes but I guess it's an issue with Subler. Perhaps Apple changed the way things are linked or something.

  3. János Kis reporter

    I'm not convinced it does. I've just tried to match Criminal Minds 12x15 and had no results.

    The lookup API seems to be more up-to-date with TV episodes than the search API.

    If I find some time for it, I'll put together a PR that uses a combination of the search API (to get the season id) and the lookup API to look up episodes in that season based on the id.

  4. Gordon Werner

    A Similar issue is now occurring with thetvdb.com ... Subler times out searching but the website returns correct results almost instantaneously

  5. inotna

    Metadata from iTunes works for me again on latest tv shows. Modern Family e13-14 and last Sundays The Walking Dead. and episode 17-18Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 17.26.32.png of New girl.

  6. János Kis reporter

    Still not quite right. Just tried Modern Family 8x15 and Walking Dead 7x23 without any luck

  7. 18738271872

    Still isn't working for me, tried the latest episodes of The Walking Dead, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow etc. None work still :(

    Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 18.59.22.png

  8. János Kis reporter

    Made some progress with the PR. It looks promising so far.

    Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 13.53.27.png (New version on the left, 1.2.3 on the right)

    I'll review my changes and submit a PR

  9. János Kis reporter

    It's because the left window is my work in progress. The right (current release) couldn't find it either

  10. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Fix #307 Change iTunesStore metadata importer to use the lookup API for fetching TV episode information, because it is more up to date with recent releases

    → <<cset f5beebf154a8>>

  11. Eric Tang

    Anywhere I can download this version? i.e. use xcode to export? I tried, but it keeps saying I have file missing.

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