Dock right click Quit issue.

Issue #317 duplicate
Rodger Werner created an issue

Subler 1.2.6 macOS 10.12.3 (16D32)

Once I have 'used' Subler, I can not right click on the dock icon and Quit. The menu item still works as well as ⌘+Q when Subler is active though.

If I just load Subler with no video in it I am able to use the right click Quit menu item.

If I load a video into Subler and not do anything with it, I can use the right click menu item as well.

Comments (4)

  1. Rodger Werner reporter

    What I mean is, load a video in either tv or movie, have Subler search for the data, then write the data.

    I also tried loading in an mkv, having Subler fetch data and also write out an m4v ... in this case I am also not able to right click the Dock icon and Quit Subler when it's done.

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