Problem with Controlling Subler via AppleScript etc...

Issue #318 resolved
Ray White created an issue

Prior to version 1.6 of Subler I could tell it to activate and open a video file using a utility such as AppleScript or Quicksilver. In the new version Subler activates, but after opening one file won't open any more. This should work, as it's a normal requirement for all macOS applications. This script, for example, works in iTunes with Subler 1.5 but not 1.6:

try tell application "iTunes" activate set selList to (location of selection) repeat with n from 1 to length of selList my openFile(item n of selList) end repeat end tell end try

on openFile(theFile) try with timeout of 5 seconds tell application "Subler" activate open theFile end tell end timeout end try end openFile

Your help would be appreciated, as Subler is a great application. Keep up the good work!

Many thanks.

Comments (8)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I added some experimental applescript support for the queue, and it seems I broke the rest. Will try to fix it.

  2. Rodger Werner

    Works for me now too. I can now quit Subler with right click on dock icon and selecting Quit. I can now add additional files during/after using Subler.

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