Make a donation... but no more reminder for donation, is it possible ?

Issue #426 resolved
Christian Oïhénart created an issue


I'm working for public schools in Geneva, Switzerland, and we have Subler on our macs. Each time we launch Subler, we have a reminder for donation. Is it possible, if we make a donation for your work, to avoid this reminder, even if the software changes for 1.4.7 to 1.4.8, 1.4.9 ? As the enviroment of the student is reconstruct each time, this message appears at each login.

I'm not sure that it is the good place to ask for that, but i didn't know where to ask this question.


Comments (7)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I can add a hidden preference to disable it. Can you set a default preference when you create the student environment?

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    In the next version there will be a SBIgnoreDonationAlert prefs key you can set to true to avoid the donation alert. You can set it with the defaults command for example:

    defaults write org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert YES

  3. Christian Oïhénart reporter

    Thanks for the quick answer

    :-)) Christian

    [galad87] Damiano Galassi commented on issue #426: Make a donation... but no more reminder for donation, is it possible ? In the next version there will be a SBIgnoreDonationAlert prefs key you can set to true to avoid the donation alert. You can set it with the defaults command for example:

    defaults write org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert YES

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  4. Christian Oïhénart reporter

    That will be perfect for us. Yes we can set a default preference when we create the student environment. And the key is a good idea. :-))

  5. Christian Oïhénart reporter


    I have obtained to make a donation of 200€. Thanks for your work

    Christian Oïhénart SEM-Logistique Etat de Genève - Service Ecoles-Médias

  6. Jolly Roger

    The org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert setting is being ignored in version 1.6.5 (and a few versions prior to that). Even though the property is set to YES, I still see the dialog box - especially after a restart.

    Can this be fixed, please?

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