iTunes rolling back Release Date field for TV and Movies

Issue #501 duplicate
Byron DeMent created an issue

Firstly, thanks to the developers because Subler is fantastic, and I've used it for years. I use it in conjunction with a large iTunes library and have done so with no issues for a long time.

Now for my issue:

After tagging either an episode of a TV show or a Movie using Subler, the file appears to have all the proper tags saved. Then, once I load the file into iTunes, it is displayed (by iTunes) as having been released exactly ONE DAY EARLIER than the date I specified in the "release date" field.

However, the file in the iTunes media folder, when examined with Subler, still appears to have the correct date.

For example, an episode of a TV show which I tagged as having been released on 1986-10-11 retains that tag when viewed in Subler, but is displayed in iTunes as having been released 1986-10-10.

This is most likely some awful thing Apple has done with iTunes (perhaps to do with how they tag things which are often released on iTunes one day later than they air), but I have been noticing it for months now and am curious if anyone else has noticed it. I shudder to think how many files I have in my library now that show the incorrect date. As I stated, I am not sure whether there is anything the Subler team can do to circumvent this, but thought I was ask if anyone else had noticed it. Cuz it's making me crazy.



Subler 1.5.8 Mac OS Mojave 10.14.3 iTunes

Comments (2)

  1. Christophe Ayer

    Looks like it happens with non iTunes files too. I have the same problems with personnal videos and other ones that never uses iTunes or TV app. So Apple is not to blame on this one.

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