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qatrackplus / deployment / active_directory

Configuring QATrack+ to use Active Directory for User Authentication

Using an existing Active Directory server to do your user authentication is a great way to simply the management of users for your QATrack+ system. It's especially convenient for your users that they don't have to remember "yet another password" and can simply use their network logon. QATrack+ comes with an Active Directory backend and it's configuration will be described below.

Installation of python-ldap

If you happen to be on a Windows system with Visual Studio 2008 installed, you should just be able to do pip install python-ldap and have the latest version of the python-ldap package installed. Otherwise, download and run the appropriate python-ldap .msi installer from the LDAP PyPi page.

That will install python-ldap to the main system Python installation, but assuming you're using virtualenv, you'll need to copy the LDAP package to your virtualenv.

Open a Git Bash shell and enter the following command (adjusting paths as required) to copy the ldap install to your virtual environment:

cp -r /c/Python27/lib/site-packages/ldap* /c/deploy/venvs/qatrack/lib/site-packages/

You can also feel free to use Windows Explorer or CMD to copy the files!

To confirm your installatioin is working, activate your virtual env

source /c/deploy/venvs/qatrack/Scripts/activate

and then type

python -c "import ldap; print ldap.__version__"

If that commands prints 2.4.10 then ldap is installed correctly.

Configuring QATrack+ to use your Active Directory Server

Copy the following lines to your file:


# Account settings
# a list of group names to automatically add users to when they sign up
DEFAULT_GROUP_NAMES = ["Therapists"]  # Replace Therapists with whatever group name you want 

# Authentication backend settings

# active directory settings (not required if only using ModelBackend

# If using non-SSL use these
AD_LDAP_URL = 'ldap://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME, AD_LDAP_PORT)

# If using SSL use these:
# AD_LDAP_URL='ldaps://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME,AD_LDAP_PORT)

AD_SEARCH_DN = "dc=yourdomain,dc=yourhospital,dc=com"  
AD_NT4_DOMAIN = "YOURDOMAIN"  # Network domain that AD server is part of

AD_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'sAMAccountName', 'memberOf']

You will also obviously have to modify AD_DNS_NAME, AD_SEARCH_DN and AD_NT4_DOMAIN to suit your own Active Directory setup.

After you have saved that file, you will need to restart your application server (or for example your CherryPy service).
