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challprop / Home


Challprop is an agent based modeling framework specifically designed for computer simulations of the Global Brain as the distributed intelligence emerging from the Internet -- researched by the Global Brain Institute. Our goal is to develop ideas, models and methods of a massively scalable and flexible software system for modeling self-organizational processes of large real-world distributed systems, such as Internet.

It is a research project, not a production-ready software product development effort. This means that in our intermediate objectives we emphasize experimenting with approaches for learning about computational as well as conceptual aspects of self-organization dynamics in distributed / decentralized system. The project is meant to evolve in iterations, each iteration building on results / experiments from the previous one, without the requirement for the direct connection between them except for the overall objectives.

As of the end of 2015, we have finished developing and experimenting with the first iteration of the model (version 0.1, consisting of 0.1.0 and 0.1.1 milestone releases) and are planning the next iteration (version 0.2), including restructuring of the project and estimating resources needed. See links below for details about each iteration.



Challprop is released with Apache 2.0 license basically allowing any use of the software provided that any original copyright, patent, trademark and attribution notices are preserved in the redistributed code and changes are documented.


If you have any comments, suggestions of want to express interest please feel free to file an issue or contact any of us at GBI.
