Consider ejecting pkgadd from the repo

Issue #64 new
Garrett D'Amore repo owner created an issue

pkgadd (and friends) are no longer used by IPS distros, and -core doesn't "have" packaging. So we should consider ejecting these tools into a separate repo. Others can pick them up from there if they so choose.

Comments (2)

  1. Garrett D'Amore reporter

    Note that pkgadd has hooks into libinstzones and libadm. "Fixing" the former will mean reverting pkgadd support for sparse zones. (Which arguably would be a good thing, but some of the pkgadd users rely on this for reasons that elude me.) Its unclear how hard it would be to pry apart the latter.

    However, the priority of this can be reduced now that #63 is resolved.

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