Game speed is generally slow

Issue #99 new
Former user created an issue

As the title says, the game speed is slow in general, fo example the mercs moving slowly, screen scrolling, pressing the laptop button, etc. Most particularilly it can be noticed from the slow bullet flight speed; in vanilla JA2 it's lighting fast but in stracciatella it is very slow, someone else had this issue too. This slowness of gameplay appears to only be on gennady's new stracciatella versions since the game speed is the same in vanilla JA2 in Tron's original stracciatella releases, perhaps poorly optimized code? SDL issue maybe, have you updated it or some other component from Tron's original? If so perhaps my very old computer just doesn't handle the newer versions of them very well. Still a thing to look into IMO.

Comments (4)

  1. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    As far as I can tell, the original game didn't has any speed control. It worked as fast as the computer could run it.

    I intentionally introduced the speed limit because a) the game run too fast; b) it consumed too much CPU

    I find the current speed is similar to what I remember playing the original game. But I could be wrong.

    You can change the game speed by changing MS_PER_GAME_CYCLE and recompiling the game or if you download by changing ms_per_game_cycle in externalized/game.json. The lower the value, the faster the game will be.

  2. JAsmine-ja2 NA

    Is this something that could theoretically be included in the launcher (#19)?

    I mean, changing the gamespeed from the launcher.

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