Why there have repeat seqid and 0 in template column of frag_raw file?

Issue #74 resolved
li chen created an issue


like this,the template column have two 29,37; the start and end position are consistent.

Is this right?

Comments (7)

  1. ptlcc

    Hi Li

    It depends a bit on the version (can be checked with: kma -v) and options used when running kma.
    Is it a public database, or can I get you to send that too. Then I will try to recreate and possibly solve the issue.


  2. li chen reporter

    Thank you for reply.

    1. ‌ I use the KPC family ARO sequence from CARD database,use primers to abstract the target seq, then make a KMA database.
    2. In the reads.fa, this read: repeat_align, have the repeat result 29,37,29,37
    3. I have another question, the read: uniq_to_KPC_76; I think this read should also belongs to KPC-2. I used blastn checked this read. Am I right?

    The KMA version I use: KMA-1.4.7

    The command line is in the kma.sh file.

    Thank you.

  3. ptlcc

    Hi Li

    I have looked into the issue, and indeed there was an error in the frag_raw file. This has only affected the output itself in the frag_raw file, while the remaining part of the code has been unaffected. This has been resolved in version 1.4.11.

    Regarding 3., there is a nucleotide difference (C->A) between KPC-2 and -76, causing KPC-76 to get a higher score. You can include nearby matches with the “-proxi” option. Where “-proxi 0.99” will include all template matches with a score within 99% of the best match and count them as equals, “-proxi -0.99“ will do the same except the original scores will be used in the ConClave scheme.


  4. li chen reporter

    Thank you. Regarding 3. , the nucleotide difference (C->A) is between reads and KPC-2, 76. There is a indel between KPC-2 and KPC-76.

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