Instructions for compiling kma

Issue #78 resolved
Miikka Voutilainen created an issue


I built a resfinder docker image as instructed. Before building, I compiled kma following the instructions to index the databases. This caused problems in the docker image, as kma was compiled in different environment. More precisely, the error was due to different versions of glibc between my local environment (where I compiled the kma) and docker environment.

The issue was solved by removing kma from my local environment and letting the docker build compile it.

As I spent some time on this, I think it would be beneficial to improve the instructions to reflect better the differences between installations.



Comments (2)

  1. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear Miikka,
    Thank you for your suggestions, and for using ResFinder.
    We will take it into consideration and see how we can best improve.
    Thank you!

    Best regards Maja

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