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What it is and what it for

There are very popular things now called landing pages. Landing page is a HTML page splitted to screens with differents slyles. It's like a vertical scrolled slide show. When I worked on several such websites for different clients, I noticed that it's very uncomfortably to seek a balance between entire page style monotony and block style isolation.

Second problem I face is the landing pages are intended for advertising. Clients often wants to change block order. You cannot just call your styles like #block1, #block2, etc.

So I decided to abnegate global styles at all. Then I make this tool to automatic isolate each block style from others and to easily reorder blocks.

How it works

Each block declared in lpml-file; each page declared in lppro file (is for Landing Page Project). You also have two block files required: header.base.lpml and footer.base.lpml.

When you are running build, lppro file is read line by line. It contains block file names. Each block contains HTML code with some style tags. You can write there LESS code instead of CSS. So Lander thinks up some CSS block id, adds it to each top-level tag in file, then Lander takes the LESS code, wraps it into ID-selector, compiles to CSS. Then Lander concatenates blocks and generate HTML and PHP files.


Run JAR from folder with LPPRO & LPML files.

Who uses it

See also

What the difference between HTML and PHP

How to make navigation

Too many blocks

Google analytics
