Conda package broken on macOS with python 3.6.3

Issue #154 closed
Malcolm Ramsay created an issue

When installing the freud conda package into a new conda environment with python 3.6.3 which is the default python 3.6 version,

$  conda create -n freud -c glotzer freud

the install is fine, but when trying to import freud

$ python -c "import freud"
Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread

zsh: abort           python -c "import freud"

Unusually by installing python 3.6.1

$ conda install python=3.6.1

the command which previously failed

$ python -c "import freud"

now works fine.

I have also checked using python 3.5, and the 3.5.4 doesn't work, but 3.5.2 does.

I raised an issue in conda-build related to this in that it is not possible to pin the patch version of python as a run or test dependency

I have attached the environment.yml file of the failing environment.

Comments (7)

  1. Bradley Dice

    Thanks for reporting this, @malramsay64. We have been working on this issue today. It seems to be caused by library linking to Python that may be avoidable. @joaander is working on a solution. I will update this if/when we release a new conda package that solves the problem.

    Related issue #145.

  2. Joshua Anderson

    Don't link against the python library

    This should fix ABI compatibility issues with freud binary builds and different python minor versions.

    refs #154

    → <<cset 0b7a1f9a2ce0>>

  3. Joshua Anderson

    Don't link against the python library

    This should fix ABI compatibility issues with freud binary builds and different python minor versions.

    refs #154

    → <<cset 0b7a1f9a2ce0>>

  4. Bradley Dice

    This problem should be solved with the release of v0.6.3. Please upgrade to the latest freud release if this problem occurs.

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