Inverse of Box.wrap

Issue #93 resolved
Bryan Vansaders created an issue

It would be useful to have a function that reverses Box.wrap robustly. For instance to put the points returned by NearestNeighbors.getNeighbors into a compact neighbor shell

Comments (5)

  1. Bryan Vansaders reporter

    I asked Eric about this and he told me to make an issue: I think he has something in mind. A better way to say what I meant is a function that re-centers the box on a coordinate within it. This would be used to easily examine features that had been split by the periodic boundaries.

    I just ended up doing this for myself:

    (p is the index of a point)

    L = np.array(nn.getBox().getL())[0]

    shell = positions[frame,nn.getNeighbors(p)]

    pos = positions[frame,p,:]

    shell = np.mod((shell-pos+L/4), L/2) - L/4

    This re-assembles a neighbor shell back into one peice

  2. Eric Harper

    It actually looks like there is an unwrap function, but it isn't exposed. This should be easy to expose.

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