
Ibteda Sabur Spree Warning Missing migrations

Created by Ibteda Sabur last modified
[Spree WARNING] Missing migrations.
[Spree WARNING] add_amount_remaining_to_store_credit_events from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_apply_to_all_to_variant_property_rule from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_locales_to_stores from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_to_columns_and_remove_display_on_from_payment_methods from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_to_users_and_remove_display_on_from_shipping_methods from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_bcc_email_to_spree_stores from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_default_billng_flag_to_user_addresses from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_discontinue_on_to_spree_products from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_index_to_spree_payments_number from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_join_characters_to_promotion_code_batch from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_lft_and_rgt_indexes_to_taxons from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_roles_unique_constraints from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_time_range_to_tax_rate from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] create_promotion_rule_stores from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] create_spree_promotion_code_batch from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] create_spree_store_credit_reasons_table from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] create_spree_wallet_payment_sources from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] create_store_shipping_methods from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] drop_spree_store_credit_update_reasons from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] migrate_credit_cards_to_wallet_payment_sources from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_code_from_spree_promotions from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_currency_from_line_items from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_default_tax_from_spree_zones from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_is_default_from_prices from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_order_id_from_inventory_units from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] remove_spree_store_credits_column from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] rename_bogus_gateways from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] solidus_one_four from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] transform_tax_rate_category_relation from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] Run `bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations` to get them.

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