Control Freak is Incorrectly Blocking Branch Creation due to Jira Policy

Issue #138 resolved
Luke Maggioli created an issue


For some quick background, I work as a server admin for a few different Atlassian Instances. Today, a developer came to me about an issue he was having with Bitbucket, but more specifically, Control Freak. Our Jira and Bitbucket instances are self-hosted.

When trying to create a feature branch from master, the user was simply clicking the “Create Branch” button directly from the Jira Ticket he was looking at. The first error received was (attached image: jira_commit_reference_error). It seemed like there was an older commit from a few days back that did not properly reference a Jira ticket in the commit message. I’m not entirely sure how that commit made it through Control Freak policy as we have Jira Ticket Checks for commits enabled so that they have to contain the issue key from the relevant project in their commit message. Nonetheless, I instructed the developer to go and correct the commit message to properly include the relevant issue key.

Once that was done, he tried again to create the branch like he was originally trying to do. He then received this second error (attached image: jira__commit_reference_error2). This is where I am completely lost. Control Freak seems to be telling the developer that the commits for the feature branch he’s trying to create do not satisfy Jira policy as “they do not exist on your Jira server”. Well, unsurprisingly, the tickets DO in fact exist on our Jira server. Not only that, the tickets are nearly a year old.

At this point, I started to dig through both the Jira and Bitbucket Server application logs. I wasn’t expecting to, and didn’t, find anything in the Jira logs. However, Bitbucket provides a very vague INFO line in the application log:

2020-04-16 15:29:21,518 INFO  [http-nio-7990-exec-386] lmaggioli *1I85B4Rx929x727833x0 1mou6fc "POST /rest/branch-utils/latest/projects/CVAT/repos/cvat-e2e/branches HTTP/1.1" c.a.s.i.h.r.DefaultRepositoryHookService [CVAT/cvat-e2e[2773]] hook 'bbPreReceive' vetoed the branch-create request

So, all that Bitbucket is able to tell me is that the branch creation event was vetoed by the ‘bbPreReceive’ hook.

Unfortunately, at this point all that I have to go off of is the above INFO line in the log, and the error message that is displayed regarding Control Freak’s Jira policy infractions (attachments).

Comments (6)

  1. James Zhang

    We have the exact same issue after we upgraded the Bitbucket server to 6.10.0 and Control Freak 2020.05.05. What I can comment on is the Control Freak blocks only some newly created Jira projects.

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