load2D fails on victoria_park dataset

Issue #122 resolved
Richard Roberts created an issue

load2D seems to be broken now on the victora_park dataset (the file in examples/Data). It fails with the following error:

load2D::readNoiseModel looks like this is not TORO matrix order

Comments (9)

  1. Siddharth Choudhary

    The default NoiseFormat for load2D is NoiseFormatGRAPH which requires TORO matrix order.

    Victoria park instead should be loaded with NoiseFormatCOV.

    The following works for me: boost::tie(graph, initial) = load2D(filename, SharedNoiseModel(), 0, false, true, NoiseFormatCOV );

  2. Richard Roberts reporter

    Hi guys, I had replied to this but apparently it didn't go through, so trying again...

    We used to have some auto-detection of the covariance order, but it seems that is not working. This issue comes up in the SolverComparer script, which has command line arguments to specify the dataset. It would be a pain in the butt (and too error-prone) for the user to have to also specify the covariance order as a command line argument. The autodetect code just looked to see where the zeros were, since most of the time the covariance is diagonal. If it couldn't detect, it would throw an error.

  3. Siddharth Choudhary

    We can add back the following code snippet in dataset.cpp to guess the NoiseFormat instead of using the default noise model.

          // Try to guess covariance matrix layout
          if(v1 != 0.0 && v2 == 0.0 && v3 != 0.0 && v4 != 0.0 && v5 == 0.0 && v6 == 0.0)
    // NoiseFormatGRAPH
    NoiseFormat noiseFormat = NoiseFormatGRAPH;
          else if(v1 != 0.0 && v2 == 0.0 && v3 == 0.0 && v4 != 0.0 && v5 == 0.0 && v6 != 0.0)
    // NoiseFormatCOV
    NoiseFormat noiseFormat = NoiseFormatCOV;
            throw std::invalid_argument("load2D: unrecognized covariance matrix format in dataset file. Please specify the noise format.");

    What do you think?

  4. Frank Dellaert

    OK, maybe add a new NoiseFormat value "NoiseFormatAuto" that is the default, which will trigger the above piece of code? Seems it should be under caller control.

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