Quaternion Accuracy

Issue #137 resolved
Frank Dellaert created an issue

LogMap in Quaternion mode depended on Eigen::AngleAxis, which yielded inaccurate results and bad numerical derivatives. @lucacarlone and @cbeall3 this might have been an issue in any factors using numerical derivatives in Q mode. I added a fix in pull request #22 but Chris should still check one last issue then merge (and then close this ticket).

Comments (7)

  1. Chris Beall

    So I don't forget to fix before closing issue: New failure in Q mode (no matter what platform) after merging pull request:

     78/180 Test  #78: testPoseRotationPrior ..................***Failed    0.01 sec
    not equal:
    expected[0.1; 0.2; 0.3];
    actual[-0.1; -0.2; -0.3];
    /home/cbeall3/git/gtsam/gtsam/slam/tests/testPoseRotationPrior.cpp:67: Failure: "assert_equal((Vector(3) << 0.1,0.2,0.3), factor.evaluateError(pose1, actH1))" 
    There were 1 failures
  2. Michael Bosse

    Its scary that the sign of Rot3::Logmap() or Rot3::rodriguez() should be platform dependent. What could cause this?

    and imho, rodriguez should be spelled with an 's' (after Olinde Rodrigues)

  3. Chris Beall

    The issue I posted above actually is not platform dependent. The expected value should be negative.

    We've only observed sign flips very close to singularities, where we end up just over/under pi. This depends on machine precision or rounding error, which is platform dependent. I think we're all set now!

  4. Frank Dellaert reporter

    But why did it only now surface? Maybe the test was never reached? Anyway, if you're sure, do fix and commit.

  5. Chris Beall

    Verbose answer to try to clear up the confusion:

    This particular line passed in the past in all modes (Q, M, and expmap), because the factor's error was computed as return Rotation::Logmap(newR) - Rotation::Logmap(measured_)

    @ltoohey recently made a fix to address wrap-around in commit 7c8716f, changing the error to return measured_.localCoordinates(newR);, This is the correct way to do it, but exposed the computation to switching modes. (We expect exact answer in Q mode, and in M mode with full_expmap, and a slightly inaccurate answer in regular M mode.)

    There's no sign switch in going from Rotation::Logmap(newR) - Rotation::Logmap(measured_) to measured_.localCoordinates(newR), but the sign of the expected value on this test changed in commit 3c42fbac on Oct. 8th. The test was also removed from M mode. So I didn't run into this issue in the develop branch until testing Q mode just yesterday.

    We didn't run into this in feature/FixQuaternion, because that branch's parent was from Oct. 2nd, before @ltoohey's contribution.

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