Matlab Toolbox Unit Test Fails

Issue #235 resolved
Alex Hagiopol created an issue

Running test_gtsam in the matlab toolbox produces the following result on Mac Yosemite with both R2014a and R2015a:

>> test_gtsam
Starting: testCal3Unified
Starting: testKalmanFilter
Starting: testJacobianFactor
Starting: testValues
Starting: testPriorFactor
Starting: testLocalizationExample
Starting: testOdometryExample
Starting: testPlanarSLAMExample
Starting: testPose2SLAMExample
Starting: testPose3SLAMExample
Starting: testSFMExample
Error using gtsam_wrapper
Exception from gtsam:
wrap internal error: attempted wrap of invalid type

Error in gtsam.SimpleCamera.Lookat (line 184)
        gtsam_wrapper(2185, varargin{:});

Error in gtsam.VisualISAMGenerateData (line 34)
    truth.cameras{i} = SimpleCamera.Lookat(t, Point3, Point3([0,0,1]'), truth.K);

Error in testSFMExample (line 19)
[data,truth] = VisualISAMGenerateData(options);

Error in test_gtsam (line 39)

This happens in both the fix/matlab_wrapper branch and in the /develop branch. Both branches compile with no problem on my machine with serialization disabled as required for Mac. Additionally, clicking the "SFM" button in the GTSAM Examples Matlab GUI produces the same error.

EDIT: Other tests that fail are testThinBayesTree, testThinTree, testThinTreeBayesNet, testVisualISAMExample.

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