ImuFactorExample work on real data

Issue #290 closed
Ivan Panchenko created an issue

Hi! I'm new to the topic and GTSAM as well. I have a problem making GTSAM example work on KITTI data. I tried to run ImuFactorExample on data prepared from raw KITTI dataset. The result are very bad. It seems that I understand something incorrectly. THe example says to prepare data in NED coordinate system and KITTI provides data for FLU format in global coordinate system. Do I proper map the axis with F=N, E=-L, U=-D . And for GPS data - I convert (lat,long) to meters and move axis to the first point (so, it is (0.0, 0.0)).

Does it seem to you (@garret, @lucacarlone) to be a proper coordinates?

I have attached an example file.

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