OdometryExample.cpp covariance question

Issue #318 resolved
Nghia created an issue

I'm trying to learn GTSAM from the examples and noticed something odd, maybe due to my lack of understanding. When I run OdometryExample.cpp it appears to run as expected with the last output being

x3 covariance:
   0.17 8.6e-18 2.7e-18
8.6e-18    0.37    0.06
2.7e-18    0.06    0.03

The initial pose is Pose2(0, 0, 0). The covariance is effectively an unrotated ellipse for (x,y) if I was to plot it.

If I then modify line 66 to

  Pose2 priorMean(0.0, 0.0, M_PI_2); // change orientation

and run the example again I get

x3 covariance:
    0.17 -1.7e-10 -5.2e-11
-1.7e-10     0.37     0.06
-5.2e-11     0.06     0.03

which is nearly identical to the first run with Pose2(0, 0, 0), an unrotated ellipse. From my brief experience with EKF SLAM I expect the ellipse to be rotated with the robot's orientation.

What's going on?

Comments (5)

  1. Duy-Nguyen Ta

    That's the uncertainty of the tangent vector, in short, in the pose's local coordinate frame. You need to transpose it to plot in the world frame. See, e.g., "matlab/+gtsam/plotPose2.m"

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