Compiler error ROS workspace catkin_make

Issue #330 resolved
Marc Meissner created an issue


I experienced a problem that I already posted on stack overflow. In short terms, I have trouble including certain GTSAM headers while it works fine with others.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, gcc 5.4.0, boost

Compilation by invoking catkin_make in a ROS workspace.

Comments (8)

  1. Marc Meissner reporter

    I would love to use gtsam in my project, but I cant get it to run. Any idea on a quick-and-dirty solution would be appreciated, too.

  2. Jing Dong

    Hi Marc, by looking at your description on stack overflow, you only link your car_lib to catkin libs, not gtsam. Can you just try add this line in your CMake file

    target_link_libraries(car_lib gtsam)
  3. Marc Meissner reporter

    Hello Jing, thanks so much for putting in the effort to help me. Unfortunately, the change did not solve the issue.

  4. Marc Meissner reporter

    The problem has been solved by adding/replacing code in my cmake file. More info in the stack overflow thread.

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