testGaussianBayesTreeB fails

Issue #373 duplicate
Kemal Ficici created an issue

I'm getting this error when running make check -j2

not equal:
expected = [
          5   0   6;
          0 -11 -12
actual = [
         -5   0  -6;
          0 -11 -12
actual - expected = [
                 -10            0          -12;
                   0 -1.77636e-15  3.55271e-15
/home/nvidia/gtsam/tests/testGaussianBayesTreeB.cpp:322: Failure: "assert_equal(expectedJointJ, actualJointJ)" 
There were 1 failures

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Sheffler

    I had the the same make check error; I didn't see your report before I opened issue #375. Did you also have an error with testAdaptAutoDiff?

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