make test all faliure

Issue #385 closed
chang liu created an issue

I pulled the laset code in develop branch ,and when i dong make test, the result looks like this.

0% tests passed, 162 tests failed out of 162

Total Test time (real) = 0.69 sec

The following tests FAILED: 1 - testDebug (Not Run) 2 - testLieMatrix (Not Run) 3 - testOptionalJacobian (Not Run) 4 - testVector (Not Run) 5 - testNumericalDerivative (Not Run) 6 - testCholesky (Not Run) 7 - testVerticalBlockMatrix (Not Run) 8 - testSymmetricBlockMatrix (Not Run) 9 - testTreeTraversal (Not Run) 10 - testFastContainers (Not Run) 11 - testDSFVector (Not Run) 12 - testLieVector (Not Run) 13 - testMatrix (Not Run) 14 - testLieScalar (Not Run) 15 - testGroup (Not Run) 16 - testTestableAssertions (Not Run) 17 - testSerializationBase (Not Run) 18 - testCameraSet (Not Run) 19 - testStereoCamera (Not Run) 20 - testCal3Bundler (Not Run) 21 - testTriangulation (Not Run) 22 - testUnit3 (Not Run) 23 - testSO3 (Not Run) 24 - testPinholePose (Not Run) 25 - testPinholeCamera (Not Run) 26 - testQuaternion (Not Run) 27 - testPoint3 (Not Run) 28 - testEssentialMatrix (Not Run) 29 - testPose2 (Not Run) 30 - testPinholeSet (Not Run) 31 - testPoint2 (Not Run) 32 - testSimpleCamera (Not Run) 33 - testCal3DS2 (Not Run) 34 - testRot3 (Not Run) 35 - testRot3Q (Not Run) 36 - testCalibratedCamera (Not Run) 37 - testOrientedPlane3 (Not Run) 38 - testRot3M (Not Run) 39 - testBearingRange (Not Run) 40 - testCal3Unified (Not Run) 41 - testStereoPoint2 (Not Run) 42 - testRot2 (Not Run) 43 - testCyclic (Not Run) 44 - testPose3 (Not Run) 45 - testSerializationGeometry (Not Run) 46 - testCal3_S2 (Not Run) 47 - testOrdering (Not Run) 48 - testKey (Not Run) 49 - testLabeledSymbol (Not Run) 50 - testVariableSlots (Not Run) 51 - testSymbolicFactor (Not Run) 52 - testSymbolicBayesTree (Not Run) 53 - testSymbolicConditional (Not Run) 54 - testSymbolicFactorGraph (Not Run) 55 - testSymbolicJunctionTree (Not Run) 56 - testSymbolicISAM (Not Run) 57 - testSerializationSymbolic (Not Run) 58 - testVariableIndex (Not Run) 59 - testSymbolicEliminationTree (Not Run) 60 - testSymbolicBayesNet (Not Run) 61 - testDecisionTreeFactor (Not Run) 62 - testDecisionTree (Not Run) 63 - testDiscreteFactor (Not Run) 64 - testDiscreteFactorGraph (Not Run) 65 - testDiscreteBayesTree (Not Run) 66 - testSignature (Not Run) 67 - testDiscreteMarginals (Not Run) 68 - testDiscreteConditional (Not Run) 69 - testAlgebraicDecisionTree (Not Run) 70 - testDiscreteBayesNet (Not Run) 71 - testGaussianDensity (Not Run) 72 - testGaussianFactorGraph (Not Run) 73 - testSerializationLinear (Not Run) 74 - testKalmanFilter (Not Run) 75 - testGaussianConditional (Not Run) 76 - testSampler (Not Run) 77 - testScatter (Not Run) 78 - testErrors (Not Run) 79 - testRegularJacobianFactor (Not Run) 80 - testHessianFactor (Not Run) 81 - testJacobianFactor (Not Run) 82 - testNoiseModel (Not Run) 83 - testRegularHessianFactor (Not Run) 84 - testVectorValues (Not Run) 85 - testGaussianBayesTree (Not Run) 86 - testGaussianBayesNet (Not Run) 87 - testValues (Not Run) 88 - testExecutionTrace (Not Run) 89 - testExpression (Not Run) 90 - testWhiteNoiseFactor (Not Run) 91 - testAdaptAutoDiff (Not Run) 92 - testLinearContainerFactor (Not Run) 93 - testSerializationNonlinear (Not Run) 94 - testCallRecord (Not Run) 95 - testBearingFactor (Not Run) 96 - testBearingRangeFactor (Not Run) 97 - testRangeFactor (Not Run) 98 - testInitializePose3 (Not Run) 99 - testSmartProjectionCameraFactor (Not Run) 100 - testRotateFactor (Not Run) 101 - testEssentialMatrixConstraint (Not Run) 102 - testGeneralSFMFactor_Cal3Bundler (Not Run) 103 - testEssentialMatrixFactor (Not Run) 104 - testSmartProjectionPoseFactor (Not Run) 105 - testPriorFactor (Not Run) 106 - testSmartFactorBase (Not Run) 107 - testOrientedPlane3Factor (Not Run) 108 - testPoseTranslationPrior (Not Run) 109 - testStereoFactor (Not Run) 110 - testAntiFactor (Not Run) 111 - testSlamExpressions (Not Run) 112 - testLago (Not Run) 113 - testRegularImplicitSchurFactor (Not Run) 114 - testTriangulationFactor (Not Run) 115 - testProjectionFactor (Not Run) 116 - testDataset (Not Run) 117 - testPoseRotationPrior (Not Run) 118 - testBetweenFactor (Not Run) 119 - testGeneralSFMFactor (Not Run) 120 - testReferenceFrameFactor (Not Run) 121 - testCombinedImuFactor (Not Run) 122 - testNavState (Not Run) 123 - testAHRSFactor (Not Run) 124 - testImuFactorSerialization (Not Run) 125 - testScenario (Not Run) 126 - testImuFactor (Not Run) 127 - testTangentPreintegration (Not Run) 128 - testScenarios (Not Run) 129 - testAttitudeFactor (Not Run) 130 - testPoseVelocityBias (Not Run) 131 - testImuBias (Not Run) 132 - testManifoldPreintegration (Not Run) 133 - testNonlinearOptimizer (Not Run) 134 - testExpressionFactor (Not Run) 135 - testNonlinearFactorGraph (Not Run) 136 - testGaussianISAM2 (Not Run) 137 - testLie (Not Run) 138 - testGeneralSFMFactorB (Not Run) 139 - testNonlinearFactor (Not Run) 140 - testGraph (Not Run) 141 - testGaussianBayesTreeB (Not Run) 142 - testSubgraphPreconditioner (Not Run) 143 - testSimulated2DOriented (Not Run) 144 - testSerializationSLAM (Not Run) 145 - testDoglegOptimizer (Not Run) 146 - testNonlinearEquality (Not Run) 147 - testSimulated2D (Not Run) 148 - testRot3Optimization (Not Run) 149 - testPCGSolver (Not Run) 150 - testBoundingConstraint (Not Run) 151 - testNonlinearISAM (Not Run) 152 - testGradientDescentOptimizer (Not Run) 153 - testManifold (Not Run) 154 - testSubgraphSolver (Not Run) 155 - testGaussianJunctionTreeB (Not Run) 156 - testMarginals (Not Run) 157 - testSimulated3D (Not Run) 158 - testGaussianISAM (Not Run) 159 - testPreconditioner (Not Run) 160 - testExtendedKalmanFilter (Not Run) 161 - testGaussianFactorGraphB (Not Run) 162 - testIterative (Not Run) Errors while running CTest make: *** [test] 错误 8

Comments (3)

  1. Jing Dong

    Hi, make test does not realize dependency correctly, which is a bug in cmake. You need to run 'make all' before run 'make test', or simply run 'make check', which is our custom target for unit test.

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