- edited description
Cython + MSVC14.1 GetDimensions not found in GenericValue.h
I have switched from using the python wrapper to building the cython toolbox instead, as advised in #400. I'm trying to build GTSAM on Windows 10 with Python 3.6 and MSVC 14.1 as well as Boost 1.68.
Now I'm facing a compile time error when building cythonize_gtsam
. The build log is attached. (I'm building the release not the debug build, because I only have a release version of the python library, python36.lib
The trouble is caused by
6>C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\Coding Projects\gtsam\gtsam/base/GenericValue.h(152): error C2027: use of undefined type 'gtsam::traits<T>'
6>C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\Coding Projects\gtsam\gtsam/base/GenericValue.h(152): error C3861: 'GetDimension': identifier not found
in the file GenericValue.h
. gtsam::traits
is defined in Manifold.h
which seems to be included correctly. However, none of the two ManifoldImpl
is being picked up. I'm not sure why...
This issue seems to be related to #394 . I'm getting the same errors; however, as I am currently building without the unstable library, the linker errors are of no concern. (They do exist for me though.).
Issue #198 may also be related, though I am not 100% sure.
Any help is appreciated
Comments (6)
reporter -
reporter The same problem has also made it's appearance in
#332in the log of Jing Dong. The difference is that I am using VC2017 whereas he is using VC2015. Since there are some Windows machines where it seems to compile, could it be architecture related? I'm using- CMake 3.13.0-rc3
- VC2017 Community v15.9.1 (MSVC++ 14.01)
- Boost 1.68 (compiled locally)
I've modified the
adding brackets around the print statement. This will allow it to run in Python 3 and should still be compatible with Python 2.I'm also still puzzled by the
error. I couldn't find the definition (or declaration for that matter) inGenericValue.h
or elsewhere, so it seems that it is indeed missing. Where is the implementation of it? It is used invirtual size_t dim() const
which (I suspect) is commonly overloaded by derived classes? Since it doesn't seem to cause issues on Linux or Mac, I am wondering if these compilers ignore the body of the function or find the identifier elsewhere (if so, where?).Here is my CMake log:
Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.17134. GTSAM_SOURCE_ROOT_DIR: [C:/Users/Sebastian/Documents/Coding Projects/gtsam] Boost version: 1.68.0 Found the following Boost libraries: serialization system filesystem thread program_options date_time timer chrono regex atomic Ignoring Boost restriction on optional lvalue assignment from rvalues [Warning] FindTBB.cmake: The use of TBB_ARCHITECTURE and TBB_COMPILER is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions. Please set $ENV{TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM} (using tbbvars.[bat|csh|sh]). TBB: Intel TBB NOT found! TBB: Looked for Threading Building Blocks in C:/Program Files/Intel/TBB Could NOT find MKL (missing: MKL_INCLUDE_DIR MKL_LIBRARIES) Building 3rdparty Could NOT find GeographicLib (missing: GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS GeographicLib_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS) Building base Building geometry Building inference Building symbolic Building discrete Building linear Building nonlinear Building sam Building sfm Building slam Building smart Building navigation Adding precompiled header for MSVC GTSAM Version: 4.0.0 Install prefix: C:/Program Files/GTSAM Building GTSAM - shared Building base_unstable Building geometry_unstable Building linear_unstable Building discrete_unstable Building dynamics_unstable Building nonlinear_unstable Building slam_unstable GTSAM_UNSTABLE Version: 4.0.0 Install prefix: C:/Program Files/GTSAM Building GTSAM_UNSTABLE - shared Found Cython: ['C:\\Users\\Sebastian\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\lib\\site-packages\\Cython'] (found suitable version "0.27.2", minimum required is "0.25.2") Cythonize and build eigency Found PythonLibs: C:/Users/Sebastian/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36/libs/python36.lib (found suitable version "3.6.2", minimum required is "2.7") Found NumPy: version "1.14.3" C:/Users/Sebastian/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36/lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include Cython wrapper generating gtsam.pyx Cythonize and build gtsam.pyx Installing Cython Toolbox to C:/Program Files/GTSAM/cython/gtsam Cython wrapper generating gtsam_unstable.pyx Cythonize and build gtsam_unstable.pyx Installing Cython Toolbox to C:/Program Files/GTSAM/cython/gtsam Wrote C:/Users/Sebastian/Documents/Coding Projects/gtsam/build/GTSAMConfig.cmake Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) =============================================================== ================ Configuration Options ====================== CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID type : MSVC CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION : 19.16.27023.1 Build flags Build Tests : Enabled Build examples with 'make all' : Enabled Build timing scripts with 'make all': Disabled Build static GTSAM library instead of shared: Disabled Put build type in library name : Enabled Build libgtsam_unstable : Enabled Use System Eigen : No Use Intel TBB : TBB not found Eigen will use MKL : MKL not found Eigen will use MKL and OpenMP : OpenMP found but GTSAM_WITH_EIGEN_MKL is disabled Default allocator : STL Packaging flags CPack Source Generator : TGZ CPack Generator : TGZ GTSAM flags Quaternions as default Rot3 : Disabled Runtime consistency checking : Disabled Rot3 retract is full ExpMap : Disabled Pose3 retract is full ExpMap : Disabled Deprecated in GTSAM 4 allowed : Enabled Point3 is typedef to Vector3 : Disabled Metis-based Nested Dissection : Enabled Use tangent-space preintegration: Enabled MATLAB toolbox flags Install matlab toolbox : Disabled Build Wrap : Enabled Python module flags Build python module : Disabled Cython toolbox flags Install Cython toolbox : Enabled Build Wrap : Enabled =============================================================== Configuring done Generating done
Do a search on GetDimension in whole source. Inheritance hierarchy + traits is a bit baroque... But, why would it fail here and not on other platforms? It works for me on windows, BTW, with no cmake changes. Bizarre!
reporter Thanks for your reply.
I have to compile without the Intel libraries since I don't own them (yet); I don't think this is the cause though.
Compiling the gtsam library itself works fine. What seems to fail is the
generated by cython as well as the two unstable examplesSmartRangeExample_plaza1
, so I've excluded the python build for now and focused on the examples that fail with the same error.Interestingly, when I comment out the following piece of code:
for(const Values::ConstFiltered<Point2>::KeyValuePair& it: result.filter<Point2>()) os2 << it.key << "\t" << it.value.x() << "\t" << it.value.y() << "\t1" << endl;
(3 occurences in both files) the project compiles fine, without errors. The culprit seems to be in
, but I have not yet looked into that file specifically. -
reporter I tried compiling the same setup on my Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) workstation and it works without errors. My guess is that it is indeed something regarding how MSVC handles traits.
You might be right, and windows gtsam users all over the world will love you if you find a fix ;-)
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added "Issue" before
#198to prevent markdown from making it a headline