Boost::Python wrapper: Undefined symbol: mkl_serv_getenv

Issue #410 wontfix
Lachlan Nicholson created an issue

I am trying to get the gtsam python bindings (boost) running with MKL/OpenMP.

Commits newer than e37ff1e cause a seg-fault (likely an Eigen issue), and commits between then and c827d4 receive the following error.

ImportError: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.1.144/linux/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ undefined symbol: mkl_serv_getenv

In a clean environment, I install TBB/MKL, and export the environment variables (/opt/intel/vin/, clone gtsam, make and install, python install, and add the build python library to my PYTHONPATH. Simply attempting to import gtsam (or _gtsampy directly) from inside python will receive the error above.

Maybe this is due to having a new version of MKL?

Is it worth trying to use the boost::python wrapper or should I look into using the cython wrapper instead?

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    Look at the cython wrapper. Boost wrapper will be removed to a different stand-alone project for those that still want it, but won't be maintained by us.

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