Marginalizing gtsam graph.

Issue #441 invalid
Mario Mott created an issue

Dear developers. In the ImuFactorExample, I want to marginalize nodes after some time, because the more graph nodes, the longer optimization time. Please teach me an example code snippet to remove unnecessary nodes from NonlinearFactorGraph.

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    Dear Mario,

    as indicated on the issues page, the GTSAM library is used by many but all of us who worked on creating it have busy (more than) full-time jobs. Please only submit issues/bug reports that come with enough information to reproduce them, ideally a unit test that fails, and possible ideas on what might be wrong. Even better yet, fix the bug and/or documentation, add a unit test, and create a pull request! Finally, this is a channel to report bugs/issues, not a support channel to help install/use/debug your own code. We'd love to help, but just don't have the bandwidth. Please post questions in the GTSAM Google group at!forum/gtsam-users

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