A problem in PreintegrationBase.cpp

Issue #464 closed
少麟 吕 created an issue
    // Update derivative: centrifugal causes the correlation between acc and omega!!!
    if (correctedAcc_H_unbiasedOmega) {
      double wdp = correctedOmega.dot(b_arm);
      const Matrix3 diag_wdp = Vector3::Constant(wdp).asDiagonal();
      *correctedAcc_H_unbiasedOmega = -( diag_wdp
          + correctedOmega * b_arm.transpose()) * bRs.matrix()
          + 2 * b_arm * unbiasedOmega.transpose();

At line 96, I guess bRs.matrix() should be bRs. For Eigen, a matrix object with matrix() will get itself.

Comments (4)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    Hi, we are now on github, so I will close this issue. However, I do remember us fixing some esoteric compile problems by inserting this matrix call. Not sure whether this is the reason come out but unless there is a bug here, I would leave it as is.

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