
Issue #471 resolved
yalinzhang created an issue

Hi,This error occurred when I was running the IMUKittiExampleGPS.m program with matlab toobox. I did not find a problem in checking the program, and my friend did not have a problem running it. Why is there such a problem? thank you very much if you can get an answer!

Incorrect use of gtsam_wrapper
Exception from gtsam:
Attempting to retrieve value with key "v3", type stored in Values is class gtsam::GenericValue<class
Eigen::Matrix<double,-1,1,0,-1,1> > but requested type was class Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1,0,3,1>

The mistake lies in gtsam.ISAM2/update (line 244)
varargout{1} = gtsam_wrapper(1841, this, varargin{:});

The mistake lies in IMUKittiExampleGPS (line 124)
isam.update(newFactors, newValues);

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