Abandon cmake script for building tests/scripts

Issue #9 new
Frank Dellaert created an issue

While elegant, the cmake scripts are non-standard and are one more thing to learn. It might be better to put standard cmake files in the tests subdirectories, even if it will always be the same file.

Thinking Jing might take care of this once he's on BitBucket

Comments (3)

  1. Richard Roberts

    In my opinion, a better solution is to put cmake files in the tests subdirectories but still use convenience functions for building the tests/scripts.

    This would be standard - many projects do it. The only non-standard part about what we currently do is not using subdirectories properly.

    There is a lot of code in our convenience functions that sets up things like .run targets, installation of examples, adding to the 'check' target, setting up a nice folder structure in visual studio, etc. That much copy-paste would be very hard to maintain.

  2. Frank Dellaert reporter

    OK, that sounds better. And then install selected scripts with GTSAM, so other projects can do it, too?

  3. Richard Roberts

    Ok. The Find* scripts and the example_project subdirectories don't need to be installed. The rest of the files are used in various projects, so should be installed. (The cmake directory is actually useful, it's not a horrible mess like it sounds like the popular belief may be :-)

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