Allow user to name/tag executable

Issue #201 resolved
David Dickinson created an issue

Whilst we can ask GS2 for the version and config, which gives us some information about the origin of the executable, it might be nice to allow a user specified string to be passed at compile time. When experimenting with code changes, doing comparisons etc. one may end up with several builds. Having a user-defined string that we can get from interrogating the executable might help keep track of things.

Comments (2)

  1. David Dickinson reporter

    So something like the following would be possible

    make -j gs2 BUILD_TAG='Test of implementation 1'

    ./gs2 --build-config
    Built with GCC version 10.2.0 20200723 (Cray Inc.)
    Build flags: ...
    Current build configuration:
    BUILD_TAG: 'Test of implementation 1'
    MPI: T
    MPI3: F
    FFTW: T
    iso_c_binding: T
    New diagnostics: T
    NetCDF: T
    Lowflow: F
    Eigensolver: F
    HDF5: F
    F200X intrinsics: T
    Single precision: F
    Quad precision: F

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