error in Makefile

Issue #26 resolved
Ryusuke Numata created an issue

SEDSYSTEMCONFIG gives me "-i: command not found" error by "make test_make".

Comments (5)

  1. David Dickinson

    I can confirm I have this issue as well on multiple systems. So far my solution has been to just remove these lines from Makefile.

    I think we need to replace SEDSYSTEMCONFIG=sed -i 's/^ //' system_config with something like SEDSYSTEMCONFIG=$(shell sed -i 's/^ //' system_config) and we need to make sure this line isn't indented.

  2. Ryusuke Numata reporter

    Thanks, David, for the comment. It's not fatal, so I leave it as is. I just reported so that the GS2 developers notice the problem.

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