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gs2 / Namelists / main

The contents of this page is a copy from the old sourceforge wiki. For up to date documentation please visit

GS2 Input Parameters


This page lists every GS2 namelist currently known about, along with any help available. It is intended as a reference, not an introduction. Note: some parameters are highly specialised and not intended for general use.

A full introduction to writing input files is to be written, but until then, this is an old example input file. Be aware that not every section should be included.

gs2 Reference Input File


The parameters are divided into namelists. Each parameter has type information and written help where available. The format is:

Name Type Def CR Name Description
Name as it appears in gs2 Fortran Data Type Autoscanned Default(s): guesses at what the default value of this parameter will be if you do not specify it in the input file. They are usually correct. CodeRunner Name: is the variable name used by CodeRunner to refer to the quantity (only given if it is different to the gs2 name). Long and detailed help for the variable


Each gs2 module is controlled by its own namelist. For typical applications, not all 32+ namelists should appear in a single file. For a run called runname, this file should be called In most cases, defaults are loaded for each namelist element, so that if a namelist or element does not appear, the run will not automatically stop. (It may still be forced to stop if the defaults are incompatible with your other choices.) A list of the namelists appear below, click through for details of the variales in that list. We also provide a single page listing of all namelists at GS2 Input Variables but due to the large size this often does not render correctly.

Namelise Description
additional_linear_terms_knobs.rst additional_linear_terms_knobs.rst
ballstab_knobs.rst ballstab_knobs.rst
collisions_knobs.rst collisions_knobs.rst
diagnostics_config.rst diagnostics_config.rst
dist_fn_knobs.rst dist_fn_knobs.rst
dist_fn_species_knobs.rst dist_fn_species_knobs.rst
driver.rst driver.rst
eigval_knobs.rst eigval_knobs.rst
fields_knobs.rst fields_knobs.rst
flux_target.rst flux_target.rst
general_f0_parameters.rst general_f0_parameters.rst
gs2_diagnostics_knobs.rst gs2_diagnostics_knobs.rst
gs2_flux_knobs.rst gs2_flux_knobs.rst
hyper_knobs.rst hyper_knobs.rst
init_g_knobs.rst init_g_knobs.rst
knobs.rst knobs.rst
kt_grids_box_parameters.rst kt_grids_box_parameters.rst
kt_grids_knobs.rst kt_grids_knobs.rst
kt_grids_range_parameters.rst kt_grids_range_parameters.rst
kt_grids_single_parameters.rst kt_grids_single_parameters.rst
kt_grids_specified_element.rst kt_grids_specified_element.rst
kt_grids_specified_parameters.rst kt_grids_specified_parameters.rst
kt_grids_xbox_parameters.rst kt_grids_xbox_parameters.rst
layouts_knobs.rst layouts_knobs.rst
le_grids_knobs.rst le_grids_knobs.rst
nonlinear_terms_knobs.rst nonlinear_terms_knobs.rst
parameter_scan_knobs.rst parameter_scan_knobs.rst
parameters.rst parameters.rst
reinit_knobs.rst reinit_knobs.rst
source_knobs.rst source_knobs.rst
species_knobs.rst species_knobs.rst
species_parameters.rst species_parameters.rst
stir.rst stir.rst
testgridgen.rst testgridgen.rst
theta_grid_eik_knobs.rst theta_grid_eik_knobs.rst
theta_grid_file_knobs.rst theta_grid_file_knobs.rst
theta_grid_gridgen_knobs.rst theta_grid_gridgen_knobs.rst
theta_grid_knobs.rst theta_grid_knobs.rst
theta_grid_parameters.rst theta_grid_parameters.rst
theta_grid_salpha_knobs.rst theta_grid_salpha_knobs.rst
