
Clone wiki

gs2 / Namelists / parameter_scan_knobs


Name Type Def CR Name Description
delta_t_inc Float 0.0 delta_t_inc
  • When the increment condition is 'delta_t', the parameter will be changed every time delta_t time has elapsed.
delta_t_init Float 0.0 delta_t_init
  • When the increment condition is 'delta_t', the parameter will not be changed until delta_t_init time has elapsed from the beginning of the simulation. Note, that if the simulation is restarted, this parameter will measure from beginning of original simulation.
inc_con String delta_t inc_con
  • Specifies the condition for incrementing the parameter. Possible values are:
    • 'n_timesteps' -- change the parameter after a given number of time steps
    • 'delta_t' -- change the parameter after an elapsed time
    • 'saturated' -- change the parameter after the simulation has reached a saturated state (determined using the target parameter) at the current value of the parameter
nstep_inc Integer 0 nstep_inc
  • When the increment condition is 'n_timesteps', the parameter will be changed every nstep_inc.
nstep_init Integer 0 nstep_init
  • When the increment condition is 'n_timesteps' or 'saturated', the parameter will not be changed until nstep_init have elapsed from the beginning of the simulation. Note that if the simulation is restarted, this parameter will measure from the restart.
par_end Float 0.0 par_end
  • If the scan is being run in 'range' mode, specifies the value of the parameter that will be reached.
par_inc Float 0.0 par_inc
  • If the parameter scan is being run in 'range' or 'target' modes, specifies the amount by which the parameter is varied at one go.
par_start Float 0.0 par_start
  • Specifies the starting value for the parameter scan.
scan_par String tprim scan_par
  • Specify the parameter to be varied. If the parameter pertains to a species, the scan_spec must be specified as well.
scan_restarted Fortran_Bool .false. scan_restarted
  • Must be set to true if the current value of the scan parameter must be read from the restart files. Otherwise, the scan will start from the beginning.
scan_spec Integer 1 scan_spec
  • When parameter pertains to a species, specifies the index of the species.
scan_type String none scan_type
  • Specifies the way that the parameter scan is conducted. Possible values are:
    • 'none' -- do not conduct a parameter scan (default)
    • 'range' -- vary parameter in constant increments between 2 values: par_start and par_end. The step size is given by par_inc.
    • 'target' -- start with the parameter at par_start, and then change the parameter by par_inc until the target parameter has reached the target value
    • 'root_finding' -- the same as target, but the increment is changed intelligently using a Newton-like method.
target_par String hflux_tot target_par
  • If the scan is being run in 'target' or 'root_finding' mode, specifies the target parameter.
    • Possible values are 'hflux_tot', 'momflux_tot', 'phi2_tot'.
target_val Float 0.0 target_val
  • If the scan is being run in 'target' or 'root_finding' mode, specifies the value to be targeted. The scan will complete when this target value is reached.
