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TiDisk-Manager / Screen Shots / Pictures Disassembler Editor

Screenshots of the Disassembler Editor

Here you can see the window of the interactive Disassembler Editor. With this editor you can interactively define which area of code should displayed as data, text or mnemonics. You also can define labels or symbols, add comments to every row or insert a block comment that combines multiple rows (i.e. to comment a whole subroutine). Also jumping around through the code is possible while clicking on an address or the forward and backward buttons. The actual session will automatically be stored if you close the window, so you can continue at the same position later, if you need. There is a submenu under the Windows menu, it calls "Continue Disassembling for...", where you can find all your sessions. When the disassembling process is finished, you can save your result into a text file.

In version 2.7.20, the TI-Disk Manager shows additional information in the Disassembler Editor in a tooltip. Here you can see how many clock cycles a specific instruction needs and which status flag are altered.

The editor also opens ROM dump files and decodes its headers automatically (i.e. the sources of DSR-ROM or cartridge ROM dumps has a better pre formatted output provided with labels to lists and program entries). Additionally this tool knows of the special opcodes from various CPUs: TMS9900, TMS9995, TMS99110, TMS9980 and TMS9940
