[JOSS] improve tutorial notebooks

Issue #10 resolved
Andrea Zonca created an issue

Now the wrapper works fine, a bit of feedback on the notebooks:

Tutorial 01

now hampyx is a proper python package, can you remove


from the first cell?

Down below there is a full path /home/lab/hamx/tutorials/mask_tutorial_01.fits, it should be changed to a relative path.

Finally, I get a different orthview map at the end:

do you know if that is a problem?

Comments (5)

  1. Andrea Zonca reporter

    Tutorial e01-e02-e03

    remove #sys.path.append('../hampyx/')

    remove matplotlib.use('Agg'), just the line below we choose the inline backend.

  2. Gioacchino Wang

    yes, the mask map looks fine, but in the coming update I’ll make a more general mask map instead, and modify the notebook with your suggestions. The pytest is now integrated in the Bitbucket pipeline, but the current run is broken since I have to rerun the notebooks again 🙂

  3. Gioacchino Wang

    nevermind, I put a warning suppression, and now the pipeline works, a strange thing is the docker hub is not catching up with my updates so I made manual commits to the repo.

  4. Andrea Zonca reporter

    very nice! Love that the tutorials also work as tests.

    I reran all the tutorials myself and they look fine.

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