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PowerGAMA / Contribute to source code development

If you plan to contribute to code development it is better to install it using the python develop command. Then you can test code modifications without having to re-install every time.

Rough workflow

  1. Clone the git repository to your local computer
  2. Create an issue on this website that describes the fix/improvement you plan
  3. Create a branch for this issue "issX"
  4. Commit changes regularly
  5. Push changes to the corresponding remote branch regularly (so code development is visible to others, and for security in case of local computer crash)
  6. Sync/pull changes from remote master regularly to incorporate other developer's improvments
  7. When the branch development is completed, create a pull request
  8. Wait for code review
  9. Merge branch into master

For more about the GIT workflow see here.

For practical reasons, all code contributions to this repository will automatically involve a transfer of copyright to SINTEF Energi, which therefore is the copyright holder of the entire code. Note that since the code is distributed freely with the permissive MIT open source licence, this does not limit the use and further development of the code in any way. See here for a good discussion of copyright for open source projects.

This is the initial working arrangement, but can be changed if better proposals arise.
