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PowerGAMA / Installation

Prerequisites (Python)

A convenient Python distribution that include the packages numpy, scipy and matplotlib, as well as the Matlab-like interface Spyder is Anaconda.

Before installing and using PowerGAMA, you must have Python (2.7 or 3.x) installed on the computer, as well as the following Python packages:

  • numpy (included in Anaconda)
  • scipy (included in Anaconda)
  • matplotlib (for plotting, included in Anaconda)
  • simplekml (for plotting google earth maps)
  • PuLP (interface to external LP solvers, includes the open source COIN-OR CBC solver which by default is used by PowerGAMA)
  • Matplotlib Basemap toolkit (for plotting maps). Download the most up-to-date Windows binaries here

PowerGAMA installation

The simplest way to install PowerGAMA is directly from the Internet using pip: pip install powergama (from the Anaconda Command Prompt, if you use Anaconda)

Alternatively, it can be installed in the basic way using the script:

  1. Download the source to a temporary local folder and then locate the file.
  2. From within this folder, execute the shell command python install to install it into your default python package folder.
  3. Restart Python
  4. Access PowerGAMA in a script or interactive shell via import powergama
