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PowerGAMA / Usage


Input file formats

Input files for grid data and time series profiles are in the CSV (comma separated values) format, following the English standard where comma (",") is the delimiter, and period (".") is the decimal indicator.

Performance issues

With some of the database functions, the version of SQLite that is shipped with Python 2.7 results in appearent infinite loops. This is solved by updating the SQLite version to a newer one. This is done by donwloading the newest sqlite3.dll from and replacing the DLL file in your python folder.

A note on nodal pricess

Nodal prices may in some cases be negative. This may occur if the node is connected to a branch that limits flow on another lower impedance transmission corridor (branch). Increasing the demand allows more flow into the node and then also more flow via the other transmission corridor. If this more than compensates for the added cost of supplying the added demand, the nodal price will be negative.

Similarly, the nodal price may be high (higher than the cost of any generator unit) if demand at the node restricts power flow elsewhere in the grid.
