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jira-quick-subtasks / version / 1.3.4 / Home

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The Quick Subtasks Plugin for JIRA allows you to write down a list of subtasks using a special syntax anywhere you want - e.g. a text editor or in your wiki and afterwards paste them in your Jira instance and create multiple subtasks for a given issue.

In addition one may define pre-set subtask-templates for each project in the administration area.


The latest release contains the following features:

  • Integration into Jira's issue operation menu
  • Creating multiple subtasks for a selected issue
  • Specifying the summary and the estimated time for each subtask using a special syntax
  • Specifying the issue types for all subtasks to be created
  • Permission checks to ensure a secure integration
  • Manage multiple sub-task templates for each project in the administration area
  • The security schema of the parent issue is applied to all subtasks created
  • Subtasks inherit the priority from their parent issue


The following screenshots might give you an expression of the plugin's features:

Issue Operation Menu Integration

Issue Operation Menu Integration

Creating multiple Subtasks

Creating multiple subtasks

Subtasks Created

The created subtasks

Managing Subtask Templates in the Administration Area

Subtask Template Administration


- Implementation
- Write unit tests / estimate:"3h"
- Write Acceptance tests / estimate:"6h"
-Code Review / assignee:"mkops"
- End user documentation / estimate:"4h" assignee:"mkops"

Pasting the text from above into the plugin would create the following subtasks for the selected issue:

  • A subtask with summary "Implementation"
  • A subtask with summary "Write unit test" and and time estimate of 3 hours
  • A subtask with summary "Write Acceptance test" and and time estimate of 6 hours
  • A subtask with summary "Code Review" -> the missing whitespace after the "-" is no problem here, the task will be assigned to the user "mkops"
  • A subtask with summary "End user documentation" and and time estimate of 4 hours, assigned to the user "mkops"

Issue Tracker

Please feel free to use this issuetracker if you have proposals, feature requests or bugs to report!

2013 Micha Kops /
