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Issue #11 duplicate
Junky Byte created an issue

Hi! Amazing project, thank you very much, could you suggest me any way I could use a DK2 with positional tracking unplugged in steam vr and have head tracking using your project? There's any other program which can send the free track data to steamvr?

Comments (3)

  1. Elliot Hawkins repo owner

    PSMoveFreepieBridge does not directly use VRidge. It communicates with FreePIE, and the included FreePIE script turns that data into Freetrack data. If you want to use this for headtracking, you'll need to find either a tool that adds Freetrack support to the DK2, or one that brings Freetrack data directly to SteamVR. I am not aware of any programs available to do this.

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