Positional tracking data direct to SteamVr (without Vridge) (for deepoon E2, Pimax P1)

Issue #6 invalid
vrman66 created an issue

Please! How translate poistional tracking data to SteamVr for PC HMD with only rotation tracking? SteamVR fully support headset and work with rotational tracking, and i only need add positional tracking.

Comments (4)

  1. Elliot Hawkins repo owner

    PSMoveFreepieBridge brings positional tracking data from PSMoveService to Freepie, and the included example script translates it into Freetrack. It does not directly communicate with Steam VR or Vridge. Vridge works because it has support for Freetrack. I'm not going to add direct SteamVR support as it's out of the original project scope.

    If you want to use PSMoveFreepieBridge with Steam VR, you'll need to find a tool that can bring Freetrack data into Steam.

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